Prevailing Wage laws require construction contractors who work on publicly funded projects to pay construction workers at least the prevailing wages and benefits in the area in which they are working. Prevailing Wages are the actual hourly wages, benefits and overtime to be paid to workers, as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor for construction trades.
The designation of “Right to Work” was created by the supporters and proponents of anti-labor interests to put a positive spin on an otherwise damaging statute.
On its surface, the more appropriately named “So-Called Right to Work” laws prohibit worker security agreements between labor unions and their employers.
A Project Labor Agreement between an owner and local trade unions provides for the hiring of qualified construction workers and guarantees labor stability on a construction project.
A PLA requires all employers sign collective bargaining agreements with the appropriate trade unions for all work on the project.
Responsible contracting leads to better quality of construction services and a reduced risk of contract failure when contractors have a proven track record of providing employees with living wages and benefits and abiding by fair contracting processes.
Through state-of-the-art Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committees (JATC), the affiliated unions of the Toledo Northwest Ohio Building Trades provide quality training and upgrade training for apprentices and journeypersons.
Strict regulations for the construction industry set high standards for the way things are built and who is building them, helping to ensure they are constructed properly and safely.
Page Last Updated: Sep 14, 2018 (09:54:08)