Plasterers and Cement Masons Training Center
Plasterers and Cement Masons Training Center
4535 Hill Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Phone: (419) 531-5911
Fax: (419) 531-4392
Affiliated College(s):
Apprentices of Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 886 can receive course credit towards an associate degree in a program offered by Owens Community College (Findlay, OH).
Admission Requirements of the Joint Apprentice Committee
- High school diploma or G.E.D.
- Tests
- Interview
- Drug/Alcohol testing in accordance with the JATC written policy
- Operates under an “Eligibility List” System
Terms of Apprenticeship Training
- Apprenticeship shall be four (4) years
- Minimum of 400 hours of on-the-job training
- Minimum of 144 hours of related classroom instruction per year
- Probationary period 500 work hours
- Indentured to Joint Apprenticeship Committee
- Raises every six months if training hours are secured